Pest Control Booking
Bedbugs (1 to 3 bedrooms) |
Bedbugs (4 to 6 bedrooms) |
Beetles |
Clothes Moths 1-3 rooms |
Clothes Moths 4-6 rooms |
Cockroaches |
Combined Mice and Cockroaches |
Combined Mice/Rats and Bed Bugs 1-3 rooms |
Combined Rats and Cockroaches |
Dead Wasp Nest Removal |
Fleas |
Garden ants (black ants) |
Mice |
Pharaoh Ants |
Rats |
Residential Survey |
Wasps |
One of our officers will visit your property between 8:00am and 12:00pm for morning bookings, or between 12:00pm and 5:00pm for afternoon bookings.
If you do not complete the booking before the timer ends, your provisional booking will be cancelled.
Booking summary
Your details
Terms & Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions that apply to you treatments including cancelling, missing or rearranging your appointments:
Our appointments are usually booked in advance. If you wish to change an appointment, we require as much notice as possible and will try to accommodate your request. However, we reserve the right to apply the following terms and charges. You can make you request by emailing us a and we will reply as soon as possible.
- If you miss your appointment or it cannot take place because, for example, an adult is not at home at the arranged time, the required preparation has not taken place or the occupant declines to allow the treatment to take place, the appointment will be re-scheduled but you will lose the right to one free revisit. Any additional visits will incur a charge dependant on the original cost of the treatment.
- If you want to cancel your appointment, your treatment fee will be refunded minus an administrative charge of £50.00, provided at least one working days' notice is given.
- If you want to cancel your appointment the same day as your visit, no refund will be made.
- If you wish to cancel an appointment where the treatment has already started, no refund will be made (regardless of the notice given).
- If an active infestation cannot be found, your treatment fee will be refunded minus an administrative charge of £50.00. If treatment and/or baiting has commenced, no refund will be given.
- We will provide you with one additional visit between 2 and 6 weeks after the last for rats, mice, cockroaches and bedbugs. We provide one additional visit between 3 and 7 days after treatment for wasps, this is counted from the last original booking date if you are still experiencing a pest problem. However, if you fail to undertake works (proofing / hygiene) or adhere to our Technician's recommendations we reserve the right to charge for any additional works required by pest control.
- If we are unable to access the site, due to you or your tenant not being at home or not allowing us access, any future visits will be chargeable.
- If we are unable to fulfil an appointment (for example due to inclement weather, staff sickness or transport issues), a suitable alternative will be offered at your convenience, subject to availability. If no satisfactory appointment can be arranged, a partial refund for the cost of one visit will be issued.
Reports are sent electronically by email to the person making the booking and occupiers where this information is given. This will include details of both parties.
Administrative charges (for cancelling or rearranging a booking)
Cause of refund | Deduction from refund |
Appointment cancelled when at least one working day's notice is given |
£50 |
Appointment missed or cancelled when less than one working day notice given |
No refund given |
No treatment possible because no active infestation found/ Cancelled within two working days of initial appointment |
£50 |
Treatment has already started but customer does not want to continue with further visits |
No refund given |
This type of pest can't be booked
Sorry, but you can't book %TYPEOFPEST% using this online form, because your selected address is a council-owned property.
Please call housing repairs on 0208 937 2400 to make your pest control booking.
Brent Council Pest Control team
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